Maternal Health
Education Project
Our goal is to make quality maternal education resources more accessible and easier to understand for young or low-income mothers.
​We were able to talk to some experts on a range of topics including doula basics, access, post-partum care, mental health changes, and financial programs & resources that are available for low income mothers and their children. Our videos were posted on Youtube, can easily be searched for and include additional information and links in the description boxes!
We also put on a fundraiser for Birth Detroit, an organization that provides nutrition+breastfeeding support, child birth education classes, and prenatal/post-partum care for mothers in need. We raised over $700!
Our Purpose
What we did

Channel Mission
The goal of this channel is to make quality maternal education resources more accessible and easier to understand for young or low-income mothers. On our channel, you’ll find playlists on four key topics:
What to expect during and after pregnancy
Doula Information and Resources
Maternal Mental Health
Financial Resources
We were fortunate enough to have a wide range of Michigan Medicine physicians, certified doulas, policy experts, and experienced social workers donate their time to be featured in these videos. Our hope is to answer frequently asked questions and connect people to quality resources.
Group Members