access to
Why this topic?
With high rates of abstinence-only and varying levels of sex education provided in high schools, often times people do not understand their options when it comes to contraception by the time they go to college
Our goal is to provide
college students
to help
guide their decision
in choosing which
form is most suited for individual needs.
So do you know what form of contraception is right for you?
The Process
We researched different contraceptive options, narrowing them down to ones that are widely available (listed below)
We compiled our research on this webpage to increase accesibility. We also included the costs and options offered at UHS to cater our information to U-M students
Our Work
Lastly, we created the quiz above so readers can find contraceptive options that work for them.
Our Research

I learned a lot more about lesser known contraceptive alternatives. Generally, we think of the pill, condoms, implants, and IUDS, so it was incredibly beneficial to research and learn about other options. I found narrowing down the information to be challenging because we obviously did not want to overwhelm our readers; however, we still wanted to offer them sufficient information.
I found it challenging to narrow down our topic. Contraception and abortion provide a broad category of issues and potential projects that can be explored and I wish we would have had time to bring more to the website. I learned that no matter how big or small of an impact this website makes, we still are able to make an impact!
The most challenging thing for me was to decide what type of platform was appropriate to display the information on our topic. We brainstormed so many ideas of different media to display our information such as pamphlets, pdfs, or even videos. Eventually, we decided to make a website. It seems like a trivial decision but we wanted to get our ideas out to as many people as possible so I didn’t take the decision lightly. I also learned about the accessibility and lack thereof for different types of birth control.
Thank You!
Abby Jozwiak
Marina Roth
Megan Harrison