
Reproductive Health
Can same sex couples contract STIs?
What does gender assignment surgery entail?
How is intimacy similar and different for trans individuals?
How does contraception use differ in queer relationships?
Was your sex education experience inclusive and comprehensive?
Are there resources in your community for LGBTQ+ reproductive health?
Questions to
We wanted to gauge understanding of LGBTQ+ reproductive heath knowledge.
so what did we do?
We created a video asking
about their experiences with LGBTQ+ reproductive health information.
Did you learn Inclusive sex-ed in high school?
What do you think that Inclusive sex-ed should look like?
Video Timestamps of Questions
Have you had any interactions with younger generations that have shown that the lines of gender presentation and identity are blurring over time?
What should parental, familial, or societal expectations for teaching inclusive sex-ed be?
What is something, if anything, you have learned about non-heteronormative sex that you wish you knew earlier?
What do you think parents and friends can do differently to encourage less heteronormative discourse surrounding intimate and romantic relationships?
What has been your reproductive health experience with health-care providers?
What is something you were nervous to ask about, or learned from a partner?
Share your thoughts!
Did you learn something new?
Was there a part that suprised you?
Want to share your reactions and thoughts?
Do you have questions you'd like answered?
Want to share your experiences and insight?
Leave a comment!
Leave a comment!
why this
We all know people or are personally part of the LGBTQ+ community, and we collectively have a broad range of experience with sexual health inclusivity.
We chose this topic to showcase the need for more standardized and comprehensive sexual health policies and educational practices. Sexual education is typically the first time when young adults are learning about how to be safe, healthfully explore intimacy, and are first being exposed to this knowledge in a safe environment.
Our hope is that in the future, no student on the LGBTQ+ spectrum feels as though their needs are not being met in the classroom setting.
(1) Interview students on campus,
(2) Make and share video of interviews
(3) Prepare educational workshop
We had 3 steps to our plan:
Nonetheless, we had the opportunity to talk to people at Spectrum Center and Wolverine Wellness, and now feel confident in their ability to transfer information and help individuals. There is a potential for this workshop to be held in the future.
However, because of COVID-19, we were unable to complete the last step. We hoped to educate and hold this workshop with our gained understanding in collaboration with Wolverine Wellness.
“Sex education programs are even less inclusive than I previously thought. I know now that we need to work even harder to make these programs more comprehensive."
- Laura
​“LGBTQ+ people have less access to resources about their sex lives, and this is unjust.”
- Elly
​“While the state of LGBTQ health knowledge is not at its best, I am excited that there are young people devoted to creating a more inclusive system of education.”
- Zoe
“LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education is not widespread in the United States public education system, and it harms the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals to not have information relevant to their lives.”
- Ryleigh
Challenges we Faced
LGBTQ sexual health knowledge is lacking, biased, and varied
Sex education programs need to be more inclusive and consistent
LGBTQ individuals should be involved in the decision-making process when it comes to sex education curriculum
What we Learned
Current state of how sex education deals with LGBTQ+ narratives
A holistic statement about the
There is no nation-wide policy for having inclusive sex education. Schools are not required to teach students about LGBTQ+ reproductive health or even extensive sexual health in general (i.e. abstinence only education still exists in many places!). For this reason, there are many knowledge gaps in LGBTQ+ reproductive health knowledge nationwide.
​Planned Parenthood video and quizzes on LGBTQ+ gender and sexuality
Resources for LGBTQ+ health services and where to access them within your community
List of resources and activities to be used in LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education programs
Summary of legal obligations of sex-ed curriculum in Michigan schools. Districts must stress abstinence and consequences of sex, but they are not required to teach behavioral risk reduction strategies
Nonprofits + health orgs
Youtube Channels
Our goal is to encourage people to seek information regarding these topics, and advocate for inclusive sex-ed. We encourage informed and respectful conversation surrounding LGBTQ+ health, and hope that our project sheds some light on the standardization of inclusive health education that is needed to boost our country’s sexual health knowledge of marginalized groups on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
Learn More Here
The Trevor Project: 866-488-7386
Crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ young people age 13-24
The GLBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743
Phone, private chatroom, email, factual information and local resources across US
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
National network of local crisis centers providing free, confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, 24/7
Support Groups: Michigan
Thank You!